Frequently Asked Questions About Worship

What do adults wear?
You are welcome to come in whatever makes you comfortable. You’ll find most people wearing casual attire — everything from typical “Friday casual days” wear to jeans and T-shirts. And there are some men who feel more comfortable in a coat and tie and some women likely to wear a dress or suit.
What do children wear?
Children will be fine in sneakers and jeans or any play clothes. They will probably spend part of the Religious Exploration class sitting in a circle on a carpet, and another working with paste, glue, paint or crayons. In nice weather, the children sometimes go outside to play.
Is your church accessible to people in wheelchairs?
Yes. Several members use wheelchairs. There is a ramp to the side entrance of the building. We are working to make the bathrooms more accessible. Though the church does not have a parking area, we have one curb-side parking space designated for handicap use.
What other accessibility issues have you addressed?
We have several large-print hymnals available upon request. We have an assisted listening device available for those who need it as well.
What do children do during the service?
We provide childcare for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, beginning 15 minutes before services begin, allowing parents to get their children settled before the service starts. There are religious exploration classes for children from K-8 during services.
May our child stay with us during the service?
Of course. Most Sundays there are a few young ones in the congregation.
How do I find you?
See the directions [link needed] to our church and the map of nearby parking.
Will I be welcome?
Absolutely. As you enter, you will be greeted by church members who will officially welcome you, provide you with a nametag, and answer questions you may have. We hope you will feel comfortable providing us with contact information so that we may send you our newsletter. Ours is a diverse community: young and old, walking and wheeling, straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, black and white, Asian and Hispanic, singles, couples, and families. You’ll meet teachers, social workers, carpenters, homemakers, artists, lawyers, nurses, doctors, secretaries, business owners, computer programmers, people without jobs, students, retired people, and more.
Do you welcome LGBTQ+ people?
Yes. We have many active members of our community who are openly LGBTQ+. Some come just for Sunday services. Some serve on committees and our Board of Trustees. All are integrated into our community.
Do you have active young adults in the congregation?
Yes! Young adults (18-35 year olds) are a vital part of our community.
What goes on during the worship services?
Please see our About Worship and What to Expect on Sunday Mornings pages.
Does your congregation have diverse beliefs?
Yes, indeed. In our congregation we have humanists, theists, pagans, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, and more. Although individual Unitarian Universalists have varied beliefs about everything from scripture to rituals to God, we uphold shared principles and come together for spiritual development guided by freedom, reason, and conscience.
How do I become a member?
We strongly suggest you attend our services until you are comfortable with us. We have “New to UU and UUP” orientation meetings regularly. We suggest you attend one of those, too. Once you have decided you want to join and you sign the membership book, you will be invited to attend a special Sunday morning service of welcome (called the Ingathering).
What do I do if I have other questions?
Please send us your questions by email at: