About Worship
Worship Services
Every Sunday at 10:30 AM in-person and on Zoom

(To watch the livestream service on Zoom, please click here. To watch or listen to past sermons, visit our YouTube channel.)
UUP gathers each Sunday morning for worship at 10:30 a.m. Our services are usually an hour long. Services are led by our Worship Team, with a strong lay leadership tradition, under the guidance of our Minister, Rev. Aija Simpson-Newbury.
A multigenerational community, we gather to center what matters most in our lives, to grow in spirit, and live our shared mission. Through words, music, meditation, and ritual we connect in community. Together, we deepen our ability to live our sense of the sacred, transform through love and act with courage. No matter who you are or where you are on your journey of meaning-making and discovery, you are welcome here in the fullness of your life.
Our weekly Sunday worship is an opportunity to reflect, celebrate, and enter into contemplative time in the company of others. It is a time for guided reflection and meditation that also represents a break away from the tasks and routines that consume most of the rest of our weeks. Learn more about our UU principles and sources, here (www.uua.org/re/tapestry/adults/river/principles-sources). Our worship is enriched by month-long themes, and we offer several annual UU services such as the Water & Stones Ingathering Service (fall) and a Flower Festival (spring).
Religious Exploration for Children

During in-person services, children who are younger than high school age participate at the very beginning of the service and then are sung out and into religious exploration opportunities for different ages (stories/activities for younger children, and discussions/activities for older children).
Social Time
After the conclusion of worship, we gather in community for conversation and enjoy coffee and food (often homemade and brought by congregants).