Topic: Flower Communion

Flower Communion: An Intergenerational Service

Rev. Bonnie Dlott Worship Associate: Nancy Blake Special music by The Undogmatics (UUP’s band) Bring the whole family today for our annual Intergenerational Flower Communion service! During this family friendly hour, we will celebrate flowers with stories, a play, and lots of music! Bring a flower to contribute to our communal bouquet!

Flower Communion

How do flowers symbolize the beauty and diversity of life? As we gaze upon the flowers that have been gathered,  consider what kind of flower you are becoming.   To where are you heading or to what? Please join us for a celebration of flowers, the symbols of beauty and diversity that lead us back into … Continue reading Flower Communion

Flower Communion

The Unitarian Universalist Flower Communion was first celebrated in 1923 by Dr. Norbert Čapek, who founded the modern Unitarian movement in Czechoslovakia. He was inspired one day by the riot of spring around him, and he asked church members to each bring in a flower. Gathered together, the flowers remind us, “These flowers are like … Continue reading Flower Communion

Holiday Celebration and Flower Communion

Please join us this coming Sunday for a special all-ages holiday worship service, with Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae and Interim Director of Religious Education, Marlo Kindermann. Larking About, the UU Petaluma Choir, will sing, with soloist Ashley West. We will celebrate our annual Flower Communion this Sunday–please bring a flower or two from your garden so … Continue reading Holiday Celebration and Flower Communion