Speaker: Rev. Martha Durkee-Neuman

Martha Durkee-Neuman (she/her) is a raised UU originally from Washington now living in Newton, MA. She serves as the Assistant Minister of Lifespan Faith Formation at the First Church in Belmont, MA. She is a religious educator and community organizer, and cares about multigenerational worship, youth empowerment, and transformative justice. She can usually be found dancing, reading, or trying to pull off overly-complicated craft projects.

The Ordination of Rosemary Dodd

Rev. Jaimie Simon, preaching, with Rev. Aija Simpson-Newbury, Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Rev. Lucy Bunch, Rev. Joanna Lubkin, Martha Durkee-Neuman, and Phoebe Eckart-Lee, with worship assistants Jodi Boyle and KC Greaney.Ashley Mulcaire, ordination music director; Rachel Steiner, Cantor and UUP Choir Director; Anthony Tavianini, UUSS Choir Director; Dr. Irina Tchantceva, pianist; The UUP Brass Ensemble; … Continue reading The Ordination of Rosemary Dodd

An Inherited and Chosen Faith

We all arrive at this faith from different paths. Whether you choose it, inherit it, or some of both, now that we are here, we create it together. Join us for an exploration of some stories from our faith history and how we are called to belong together today in the communities we build.