Speaker: Nate Makdad

Transformation in a Time of Trouble

What does it mean to be a community of transformation, especially in a time of trouble? Rev. John will draw on stories of his travels to troubled places from Northern Ireland to Israel and Palestine. Nate Makdad will serve as Worship Associate, with testimonial by Roger Jungerman, Gary Rossi will be at the keyboard, and … Continue reading Transformation in a Time of Trouble

Generosity of Spirit

As individuals, we have all given and received love in our lives. As we focus this month on “liberating love,” Ron Ahnen invites us to reflect on how we engage in the process (and often hard work) of building a new, emergent spirit of communal love.

Spirit of Communal Love

As individuals, we have all given and received love in our lives. As we focus this month on “liberating love,” Ron Ahnen invites us to reflect on how we engage in the process (and often hard work) of building a new, emergent spirit of communal love.

Welcoming Authentic Diversity: Beyond Cultural Fit

Ashley Kennedy Makdad, Worship LeaderNate Makdad, Worship Associate While it may seem comforting to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, this approach can unintentionally create echo chambers that limit our growth and understanding. Drawing inspiration from the historical example of Abraham Lincoln, who intentionally assembled a diverse cabinet with varying opinions, we’ll explore the power of … Continue reading Welcoming Authentic Diversity: Beyond Cultural Fit