Speaker: Nancy Blake

Songs for Peace, Songs for the Earth: Summer Hymn Sing!

Worship Leaders: Nancy Blake and David Dodd.Music: Gary Rossi and David Dodd, accompanists Please join us for UUP’s Summer Hymn Sing featuring songs and arrangements by Jim Scott. Jim will be performing in concert the previous evening at UUP, and while he won’t be at our service, we will continue to celebrate him and his musical contributions … Continue reading Songs for Peace, Songs for the Earth: Summer Hymn Sing!

Mothering and the Improvisational Art of “Yes, and…”

Worship Associates: Laura Kamper and Nancy Blake Please join us on Mother’s Day as we delve further into May’s theme of Creativity. Being a mother, or mothering in general – i.e. simply engaging in the act of creating and/or nurturing another living being – provides absolutely endless opportunities for creativity, whether we want those opportunities … Continue reading Mothering and the Improvisational Art of “Yes, and…”

This I Believe

“This I Believe” is one of UUP’s most cherished series of services. We learn wondrous things from members or dear friends of our congregation. In these talks, congregants trust US by sharing with us their lives and their stories about how they make sense of the world around them. In connecting our UU principles to … Continue reading This I Believe

Cancelled: Spring Hymn Sing

The UUP Board of Trustees has cancelled worship services and other church-related gatherings through the end of March. Please be well, and stay in touch with one another for mutual support!

This Precious Day

Our monthly worship theme for June  is transcendence.  Is it possible to find transcendence through nature or are we sensing our experiences in nature?  How can we nurture our connection to our earthly Mother and help heal our planet?  Please join us for a Summer Solstice exploration and celebration on Sunday June 23.  Nancy Blake, worship … Continue reading This Precious Day

Faith Exploration: A Path Toward Faith

As we conclude our January worship theme of “Faith,” please join long-time UUP member and Worship Associate Nancy Blake in a personal exploration of how our spiritual and religious community helps us grow and strengthen our own sense of faith.  Do we experience spiritual growth through small group ministry? What is the place of Chalice … Continue reading Faith Exploration: A Path Toward Faith

The Road Not Taken

How does a religious outsider find a path to spirit?  What role does language play in our authentic search for truth and meaning?  Do words present stepping stones or obstacles on our path?  Long-time member Nancy Blake will share her faith journey as she explores our third principle, the acceptance of one another and encouragement … Continue reading The Road Not Taken

The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is a time for us to celebrate the return of the light and to revel in the potential for growth nurtured in the dark. What can we take from this most ancient of rituals to bring us hope in dark times? Join with your fellow seekers of the light and celebrate the … Continue reading The Winter Solstice