Speaker: David Dodd (music)

Is It True? How Will You Know?

Given the current condition of our shared world, as spiritual/religious people, who are you/we? As spiritual/religious people, what is our collective purpose for attending/becoming a member of a church or fellowship? What is your personal reason(s) for attending UUP? What is your/our vision for UUP? If you are a little bit curious about these questions, if you … Continue reading Is It True? How Will You Know?

Remembering Well

Memorial Day is a day of remembering those whose lives were lost in the service of our country. Please join us for reflections on sacrifice, loss, and remembering well. If you have photos of beloved veterans who have passed on, whether they were lost in active duty or not, feel free to bring them.

Lessons from the Serenity Prayer in a Connected World

The opening line of the Serenity Prayer – asking for the serenity to accept the things we cannot change – speaks directly to the notion of interdependence by acknowledging our intrinsic connection to the world around us, where many factors are beyond our individual control. At the same time, the prayer’s parallel call for a courage to … Continue reading Lessons from the Serenity Prayer in a Connected World

The Evolution of Equity: Lessons from Lincoln and Darwin

The famous statement, “the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice” – borrowed by Dr. King from Unitarian minister Theodore Parker — implies that justice and equity and understanding evolve, usually more slowly than we would like. Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin not only knew this, but were born on … Continue reading The Evolution of Equity: Lessons from Lincoln and Darwin