Water and Stones

This is our annual Water and Stones service where we traditionally have a ritual of ingathering. This year it is also the 15th anniversary of September 11, 2001.  In ritual, we will remember that day by adding water to a common vessel to symbolize our tears, and by adding a stone to symbolize the strength we can find in gathered community. If you have gathered water or have a stone from a place meaningful to you, please bring it along. If not, we will have water and stones available.

Reverend Theresa Novak, Speaker; KC Gearney, Worship Associate; Jesus Contreras, Music Director; Suzanne Kimmel, Director of Religious Education

Worship and Children’s Religious Education at 11:30 am; Social Time at 11:00 am and 12:45 pm. 825 Middlefield Drive, Petaluma