Archives: Services

We Belong Together

Andrew Richardson, Worship Associate What does it mean to become a member of a Unitarian Universalist congregation? Today we will welcome new members into our midst with an ingathering ritual, and consider why the experience of becoming a member can be transformative in some cases, and meaningless in others.

Welcoming Authentic Diversity: Beyond Cultural Fit

Ashley Kennedy Makdad, Worship LeaderNate Makdad, Worship Associate While it may seem comforting to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, this approach can unintentionally create echo chambers that limit our growth and understanding. Drawing inspiration from the historical example of Abraham Lincoln, who intentionally assembled a diverse cabinet with varying opinions, we’ll explore the power of … Continue reading Welcoming Authentic Diversity: Beyond Cultural Fit

Water & Stones Ingathering

Nancy Blake, Worship AssociateRachel Steiner, Cantor, and the Larking About ChoirGary Rossi, piano Please join us for our annual kick-off celebration of a new “church year”! Bring a small stone picked up during your summer, whether from your travels or from your back yard, and some water that you may have gathered from a river, … Continue reading Water & Stones Ingathering

Swinging on the Chains & Singing Songs of Change

On Labor Day weekend, we recall the summons: “Workers of the world, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.” Rev. John will recount some of his own experiences “swinging on the chains,” as a young member of the United Mine Workers, serving in the Great Lakes merchant marine. The Undogmatics will help us … Continue reading Swinging on the Chains & Singing Songs of Change

Longing for Life

There is a famous poem by Kahlil Gibran in which he proposes that we all begin as an expression of “life’s longing for itself.” I tend to agree, because I can see how my own “longing for life” has led me down a path toward health. I also see how that same longing can be … Continue reading Longing for Life

Why You Stopped Saying Your Prayers (Or Did You?)

Nancy Blake, Worship AssociateRachel Steiner, Cantor “Reach out your hand if your cup be empty,If your cup is full may it be again…”   In our UUP Affirmation, every week, we say the words, “Service is our prayer.”  What does that mean? Rev. Dr. John Buehrens, one of our two consulting ministers, will help us understand … Continue reading Why You Stopped Saying Your Prayers (Or Did You?)

Faithfully Becoming: UUA General Assembly 2023

Worship leader: David Dodd, with Diana Spaulding and Jodi Boyle Please join us to hear about this year’s General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, which was held in late June in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Richard Greggory Johnson III and David Dodd attended virtually as delegates. Our third delegate, who attended in person, … Continue reading Faithfully Becoming: UUA General Assembly 2023

The Church of Baseball

Professions of faith, heresy, orthodoxy and the ever-present possibility of redemption; all these can be found within the church of baseball. Come today and hear your Rev. Bonnie’s reflections on the theology of America’s favorite pastime.

Signs or Coincidences? Unraveling Meaning in Life’s Mysteries

Nate Makdad, Worship AssociateGary Rossi, Pianist What are the odds?  Join us as we delve into the intriguing relationship between signs, coincidences, and the profound interconnectedness of life. We’ll look at how people try to make sense of life’s mysteries— exploring topics in psychology, statistics, theology, and the paranormal. Whether you seek answers, find solace … Continue reading Signs or Coincidences? Unraveling Meaning in Life’s Mysteries