Archives: Services

Arise Then, Women of This Day!

Round Robin Service with Rev. Leisa Huyck, Napa Valley Unitarian Universalists Is Mother’s Day a holiday you celebrate, or a holiday you dread?  Neither? Both?  Is it even relevant in today’s world, when the gender binary is increasingly being questioned? This Mother’s Day, we will tell the stories of how Mother’s Day came into being … Continue reading Arise Then, Women of This Day!

Wake Now Our Vision – Part 1

This month we open our month-long theme of Story. What does it mean to weave the story of our lives? What about the story of this congregation? How does sharpening, clarifying and championing vision help us to live boldly? All are welcome for this service of exploration and hope. This service is the first part … Continue reading Wake Now Our Vision – Part 1

Flower Communion

How do flowers symbolize the beauty and diversity of life? As we gaze upon the flowers that have been gathered,  consider what kind of flower you are becoming.   To where are you heading or to what? Please join us for a celebration of flowers, the symbols of beauty and diversity that lead us back into … Continue reading Flower Communion

Live and Learn

Live and Learn Rev. Lynn Ungar, worship leader One way to define alive would be in the process of learning. In every moment we are becoming something different, because in every moment we are learning. And it turns out that there are laws of learning that we can harness to shape our ongoing process of … Continue reading Live and Learn

North Bay UU Round Robin Service

Join us for our monthly North Bay UU Round Robin Service, hosted this month by Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa (UUCSR).  Join worship at 10:30 at

Resurrection Then, Resurrection Now

Unitarian Universalism is rooted in Becoming. In discovering new truths, emerging from stuck places, recommitting, beginning again. We say, “Revelation is not sealed.” The Christian Easter can be appreciated far beyond the literal. What can resurrection mean to us in the today of Covid, the anniversary of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King’s assassination and the … Continue reading Resurrection Then, Resurrection Now

All of us Need All of us to Make it

As Rev. Theresa Soto said, “All of us need all of us to make it.” Join us as we explore the words of Rev. Theresa, Rev. Sean Parker Dennison, and others about our commitments to each other and to the collective liberation of us all.  Lisa Nosal and Karen Mansergh, Worship Associates Will Johnson, Musician

For Goodness Sake

Unitarian Universalists tend to fall heavily on the side of “salvation by character.” We emphasize ethics and justice and doing the right thing. We are committed to doing good, and being good. But what does that really mean?

North Bay UU Round Robin

Join UU Marin for our monthly North Bay UU Round Robin service. The service link is

To Tell the Truth

In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, we seem to be experiencing a pandemic of lies, conspiracy theories and “alternative facts.” In an environment in which the very idea of facts seems under attack, what does it mean to make a commitment to telling the truth?