Life Is a Journey, Not a Destination

We hurry through our lives as if we always have somewhere we should have been 15 minutes ago. This hurrying takes away from the joy of the journey. In listening to the prophetic voices from which Unitarian Universalism has evolved, we lift the voice of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who taught us that “Life is a journey, not a destination.” As such, how do we treat life as a journey? Or, perhaps, better yet, our faith? Come, let us explore this together.

About Matthew Waterman: After a number of years in banking and accounting, Matthew and his family left Wyoming to relocate to the Bay Area so they could attend seminary at Starr King School for the Ministry. Matthew (and his spouse, Deanne) are parents to four great children, with one remaining at home with them. Now in his third year of seminary, Matthew is finding his prophetic voice from a place of authenticity. We are all on our own journeys, equally important, but uniquely ours.

Speaker: Matthew (Matty) Waterman
Worship Associate: Ellen Beeler
Accompanist: David Dodd