Harmony and Discord: Lake County UU Visit

This month’s service theme (at Lake County UU) is harmony, which may seem like an odd topic for our necessarily turbulent times. Reverend Millie Phillips, will speak on “Harmony and Discord, the Music of Our Lives,” touching on how the musical concepts of harmony apply to a society in need of new approaches to old problems.
Speaker: Rev. Millie Phillips
Please note: Lake County’s service begins at 11 a.m. Join the zoom service at
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2550208121?pwd=THNIWU5JbFRXRlJQTUlUYU5DNEprdz09#success .
This will be the second in our series of “virtual visits” to services offered by neighboring congregations over the course of the month of July, whose theme is “Community.” We hope you will attend and enjoy hearing from our sibling congregations!