Martha and Rev. Waitstill Sharp were Unitarians who secretly worked in Nazi-occupied Europe to rescue Jews, dissidents and refugee children. They are the subject of a 2016 PBS documentary by Ken Burns and Artemis Joukowsky which will air for the first time on September 20. How can we live up to their legacy today? In honor of this new film and the courage and sacrifice of the Sharp’s, Unitarian Universalist ministers are holding a national preach-in on September 25th with the hashtag #wedefyhate
Reverend Theresa Novak, Speaker; Ellen Beeler, Worship Associate; Jesus Contreras, Music Director; Suzanne Kimmel, Director of Religious Education
Worship and Children’s Religious Education at 11:30 am; Social Time at 11:00 am and 12:45 pm. 825 Middlefield Drive, Petaluma