Our Governance
Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma is self-governed, by those elected to the Board of Trustees at congregational meetings. Committees invite participation in decision making and the work of the congregation in all aspects. Below are, a list of committees, and subgroups, with contact information, links to our bylaws, and to agendas and minutes for Board meetings. All are encouraged to participate in working and playing together in making UUP operate smoothly and move into the future with vision.
Congregational Meetings: Agendas & Minutes
Board of Trustees
Committees and Teams:
Art & Beauty: Harriet Coyne
Building: David Dodd, Board of Trustees Liaison
Finance: KC Greaney
Fun and Fellowship: Emily Pino-Williams
Landscape: Renee Harper
Membership: Diana Spaulding
- Greeter Team
Religious Exploration: Erin Bertsch
Social Justice: Janice Hardy
Stewardship: Jodi Boyle
Worship: Andrew Richardson