Volunteering in RE
Why should I volunteer?
Volunteers are an essential part of Religious Education (RE) at Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma. Their presence in RE helps create community which spans generations. Also, having more adults present creates more flexibility and safety in the classroom. But volunteering doesn’t just help our programs run smoothly. Teaching and learning from our children and youth is also part of spiritual practice for many.
How do I become a volunteer?
After you have been present at UUP for six months, contact Leslie Harrison at lahlee10@sbcglobal.net. We ask that you attend somewhat regularly for six months so you have time to get comfortable and meet people before you volunteer.
Then, you will complete some simple background check forms. If you can assist us by paying $7.50 for the background check, our budget would greatly appreciate it. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
What do I do when I volunteer?
Most volunteers help in RE classrooms once every month or two, assisting the lead teacher in that room. This includes helping out with activities and crafts, being part of games, helping direct children according to the directions of the lead teacher, and generally being an adult presence in the room. Volunteers who are comfortable doing so may take on lead teacher duties.