We provide children, youth, and adults an opportunity to explore, reflect, and learn in a nurturing spiritual community. Unitarian Universalist religious education programs offer all ages, inspiring:

  • Ethical growth: internalizing enduring values like justice, equity, and compassion, and gaining tools to act on them in everyday life.
  • Social growth: connecting with peers and people of all ages on a deeper level. Finding acceptance among people who see beyond the superficial.
  • Spiritual growth: feeling a connection with the sacred within, among, and beyond us.

Our Director of Religious Education is Dana Christian Lee. Please contact Dana for information on Religious Education and Exploration during this pandemic.

UUP is committed to developing a religious community that actively involves children. 

During live services, the children lead the congregation in the Children’s Affirmation:

We are Unitarian Universalists: People of open minds, warm hearts, and welcoming hands.

Somos Unitarios Universalistas: Gente de mentes abiertas, corazones generosos y manos solidarias.

Next is a Story for All Ages, echoing the theme of the day’s service. 

On most Sunday live services, following the story, children and youth (through middle school age) go to Religious Education classes. As they leave, the congregation sings them to their classes (to the tune of “Amazing Grace”):

We wish for you, an open heart,

also, a questing mind;

so you, may know, how others live

and cherish the divine.

Classes are organized and taught by our Director of Religious Education with the assistance of congregational volunteers.  During the summer months, volunteers take leadership for planning and teaching. Child care for those under five years old is provided by volunteers and paid staff.

Our current religious education (RE) curriculum is based on three stated core beliefs, which fit squarely with the Seven Principles to which Unitarian Universalists subscribe. The three core beliefs are:

  • That all children are inherently valuable, without regard to gender, race, religion, family background, economic status, appearance, abilities, health, possessions or any other factor;
  • That all children have the right to feel good about themselves exactly as they are;
  • That a child’s value is unconditional. Nothing the child does, says or chooses can change that.

The curriculum focuses on building self-esteem and self-awareness (especially in the areas of dealing with emotions) and healthy communication skills. The current age range of participating children is 2 – 17 years; the programs are geared to the ages of the children. There are currently three classes based upon age, as well as a nursery for infants. Our middle school and high school youth meet most Sundays at 12:30 in our new building.

Teams of UUP parents facilitate the religious education classes, and visitors (children and parents alike!) are welcome to attend.


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