Together we are an employer:

UUP has nine people we employ to meet the needs and fulfill the functions of our community.  In addition to salary or wage, depending on the status of the employee, we have a responsibility to cover healthcare, retirement, state disability, payroll tax, workers comp, and all that is required of any employer in the state of California. As a conscientious employer we also need to keep pace with cost of living as well. 

In the 2024-25 church (fiscal) year, UUP will spend approximately $125,000 taking care of its employees. To adequately cover increased healthcare costs in 2025-26 and take the next step toward increasing the ministerial position the following year, we will need to allocate an additional $16,000.  

Together we are a homeowner:

While our building fund is used for improvements to our building, we are responsible for paying the costs of insurance, parcel tax assessments, utilities, maintenance, and outside contractors out of our annual operating budget. In the 2024-25 church year we will spend approximately $42,500 to cover the costs of running our church home. 

Together we run an organization:

To keep our organizational systems running reliably and correctly we need bookkeeping and payroll services, software/virtual services, office and custodial supplies, RE supplies, employee/volunteer background checks, website services and the like. Running our organization in 2024-25 cost us approximately $22,000.

Together we minister to all who come through our doors:

We cover worship costs and the costs of guest ministers and musicians, professional expenses and training for our employees, and membership supplies. In 2024-25 we will spend approximately $20,000 on these types of expenses.

Together we support the wider community:

In support of our UU values, UUP is a member organization of the North Bay Organizing Project. As a part of the Unitarian Universalist Association we contribute to the UUA annual program fund each year. In the 2024-25 church year we contributed $9,000 to our partners working toward a just and loving world. 

Together we are responsible for a lot! 

Who are WE? We are YOU!