Becoming a Member
Chair: Diana Spaulding (Founding Member)
Membership in UUP

If you support our mission and values, we encourage you to become an official member of UUP. Members are eligible to vote at congregational meetings on matters of importance to the congregation, and may serve in a variety of capacities in worship and governance. Being in community with others as members in a religious group increases our effectiveness as agents for change in the world. Whether you join to help create a community of ethical living and a place to search for your sacred, or to support others in doing so, you contribute to creating progressive spiritual community and increasing the power of your own energy in making the world a better place.
Getting to Know Unitarian Universalism and UUP Sessions
Every six to eight weeks, UUP hosts a gathering generally on a Sunday afternoon entitled “Getting to know UU and UUP.” Please watch for specific time and place and join us for a conversation and talk about our congregation and faith! The best way to stay in touch is to join our email newsletter list by signing the guest book on Sunday morning or sign up on the website here.