16 Fifth Street Petaluma, CA 94952
707-794-2888 uupetaluma@gmail.com
Services: 10:30am in-person & via Zoom Livestream
Contact UUP
UUP enthusiastically welcomes your submissions for inclusion in our various publications! Please use this form to send us your material.
Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Must be relevant to UUP 2. Length is limited to 1-3 paragraphs 3. Graphics are welcome and help draw attention to your content, but please limit them to one per article, and compact graphics are preferred.
Submissions will be lightly edited as necessary for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting. In the event that UUP wishes to perform any substantive edits to content, we will get in touch with you and request your permission.
Your name:
Your email:
Your phone (optional):
Please check all that apply: This Weeks at UUP (please submit by Tuesday before newsletter goes out on Thursday)Order of Service (please submit by Thursday preceding the service)Website (submit anytime)
Please indicate the duration you would like this item to be published. One weekTwo weeksThree weeks If you need the item to run for more than three weeks, you may resubmit.
Please provide the text for your submission:
Please click here to upload any graphics you wish to attach to your article:
If you have any additional thoughts or comments you would like us to consider, please feel free to add them here:
Thank you so much for your contribution and all of your hard work and creativity to inform our community!