Adult Religious Exploration
What You Don’t Know About Unitarian Universalism
Conversations with Rev. Dr. John Buehrens
9:00 – 10:00 am in the Sanctuary
Oct. 1 – Our History (including our mistakes)
Oct. 15 – Our Social Justice work (including more of the same)
Nov. 5 – Our Work in Interfaith Cooperation (ditto)
Dec. 3 – Our Present and Tips for the Future

An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Progressives
Rev. Dr. John Buehrens, teaching via Zoom, based upon his book: Understanding the Bible: An Introduction for Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals (Beacon, 2002)
The first session, “Why Bother with the Bible?” will be on Monday, October 2, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Registration through First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco (no obligation or fee). You can also access the Zoom class directly, without registering, at:
Eight sessions will follow, each using a short chapter and brief reading, from October 16 through December 4. Sessions will be recorded and available to those who must miss one or more. Open to UUs and friends throughout the Bay Area. Donations are requested, but not required.

UU Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Work Series
Rev. Dr. John Buehrens is presenting a four part adult education course associated with the Unitarian Universalist Association’s national discussion about systemic racism and whether to adopt a new Eighth Principle specifically addressing racial injustice. This topic will be a focal point of the upcoming UUA General Assembly meeting in Pittsburgh, from June 21-25, 2023.
Part I. “Our Imperfect History,” February 22, 2023.
All predominantly white US institutions have a mixed history of dealing with oppression, including UUism, yet it is worth reviewing our role in opposing slavery and homophobia. Suggested reading: John Buehrens, Universalists and Unitarians in America: A People’s History. John Buehrens, Conflagration: How the Transcendentalists Sparked the Struggle for Racial, Gender, and Social Justice.
Part II. “Our Principles and Purposes,” March 19, 2023.
UUs do not gather on the basis of a must-be-believed creed, but rather in a covenant about how to act as we work together to form inclusive and forgiving communities. Recommended reading: John Buehrens and Forrest Church, A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism.
Part III. “Widening the Circle of Concern,” Wednesday, April 19, 2023
This session addressed the question: What is “white supremacy culture,” both historically and now? How do we dismantle it? With perfectionism one of its hallmarks, can imperfect folk stick together in the process? Suggested reading: Widening the Circle of Concern: The Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change.
We also recommend viewing on YouTube the lecture by Dr. Paula Cole Jones, a leader in the UUA’s Article II Study Commission and Eighth Principle Project.
Part IV. The fourth component will take the form of moderated discussion groups as follows:
- Discussion Circle after services on May 7, facilitated by Jodi Boyle and Carol West;
- Discussion Circle after services on May 21, facilitated by Reverend John Buehrens;
- An experiential workshop at the All Congregation Retreat, facilitated by Jan Ögren.