Ministry, Staff, and Board
Our Minister

Rev. Aija Simpson-Newbury began her ministry at UUP in August, 2024. Rev. Aija comes to us as an experienced minister, having served the UUs of Cumberland Valley (Pennsylvania) for eight years. Previously, she interned with the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond, Virginia. Her depth of experience includes working with youth, and all aspects of ministry. She received her Masters in Divinity from Starr King School for the Ministry.
Rev. Aija grew up in the First Unitarian Church of Berkeley, in a two-mom family with both parents very involved in the congregation. She lives in Berkeley with her wife and their son. “I knew that I was headed for the ministry the first time I set foot on a chancel. I feel most at home behind a pulpit and in front of a choir. When not at work I can most often be found with my wife and son reading, playing with toy cars and adventuring,” she says.

Kevin Jernegan, Administrator
A perpetual student, Kevin’s background has been somewhat nomadic, living, studying, and working in a wide variety of different parts of the country and in Europe. He went to Washington, DC for his Masters in public policy and spent approximately 20 years there in academia and nonprofit advocacy, focused chiefly on immigration and refugee law and policy. He is a lifelong progressive activist, voracious reader, student of languages, philosopher, and incurable windmill tilter. He lives in Santa Rosa with his spouse, who teaches at Sonoma State University, and their two spaniels. Contact:

Rachel Steiner, Choir Director and Cantor
Our choir, Larking About, rehearses weekly and is led by Rachel Steiner, who also leads singing twice per month during services. Rachel is a graduate of Sonoma State University with a degree in Music Education emphasizing Vocal Performance, as well as a teaching credential in music. She has performed extensively in classical, opera, and theater settings, and plays guitar and ukulele too! Plus, she’s an excellent whistler.

Erin Bertsch, Director of Religious Exploration
Erin joined us in 2023. She graduated from Humboldt with her biology degree and has since worked in three different countries teaching, mentoring, and setting up outdoor youth programs. Her background in outdoor nature connection informs her work with helping kids get to know themselves and the fascinating world around them. When Erin isn’t at work, you’ll find her hauling compost around the yard with her son Rowan.


Kate Brady
Social Justice

Membership, Religious Exploration


President, Building, Music

Fun & Fellowship, Building Site Task Force, Social Justice