Hello Members and Friends of UU Petaluma,
Following this Sunday’s service on February 9, we will gather for our mid-year congregational meeting, beginning at noon and scheduled to go until 1:30. (This means even all you football enthusiasts will be home in time for the game!) You may also participate remotely via Zoom.
There are several items requiring a vote of the congregation, and we will also hear several reports about our finances, about policy matters, and about the future of our building renovation plans. All members who are at least 16 years of age and who have been a member for more than 30 days may vote. Our bylaws also state that a quorum for making decisions requires a minimum 15% attendance by voting members. This means we need at least 17 members to show up, and I have no doubt we will have no problem meeting that threshold.Â
Here is the agenda as it has been presented to the congregation over the past few weeks in announcements in the newsletter:
Agenda for Congregational Meeting
February 9, 2025, 12:00 – 1:30 pm
- Opening – Rev. Aija simpson-Newbury
- Welcome and Agenda review with quorum determination – David Dodd
- Brief Budget Review – KC Greaney (12:05 – 12:20)
- Report from the Social Justice Committee and congregational vote on becoming part of the Sanctuary Coalition of Sonoma County (12:20 – 12:35 pm) – Janice Hardy, chair, Social Justice Committee
- Report on disruptive person policy action (12:35 – 12:40) – Rev. Aija
- Introduction of nominee for the Board of Trustees, Lara Abel, and election vote (12:40 – 12:45) – David Perry and Mary Bevins, UUP Nominating Committee
- Election of delegates for General Assembly 2025 (12:45 – 12:50) – David Perry and Mary Bevins, UUP Nominating Committee
- Report on the plans for our building – report from and recognition of the work of the Building Site Task Force; upcoming plans for renovation (12:50 – 1:20) – Jodi Boyle
- Report on plans for establishing an endowment (1:20 – 1:25) – David Dodd
- Closing words and adjournment at 1:25 pm – Rev. Aija and David Dodd
There will be a quick pizza lunch served immediately following the service.
See you there!
– David Dodd, 2024-2025 President, UUP Board of Trustees
Pronouns: He/Him